Monday, March 24, 2008

Remix Project Response

Okay this is a bit late, sorry. I'm a bit behind in everything these days.

One of the Remix Projects that interested me especially was Kerri's 'Pixels:
A Collage of Pictures and Text of the Life of Jo Stevens.' (Not just because she liked mine, really!) One of the main reasons that this drew my interest was that it was a unique and interesting way to go about character development. I'm always interested in new ways to come up with characters and flesh them out, and this one is truly different from what I have seen before. The collage of images shifts and changes to draw your interests to different aspects of the character. I was never unsure of where to click next. I wish it was a bit less linear, but that fact doesn't destroy my enjoyment of the project.

As a random last minute aside: The appropriation of random images with express purpose and containing express memories in the creation of a wholly new and singular being is pretty cool. (Hmm that thought died out a little, hope I got the point across)

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